Scuba Works offers equipment service for regulators, BCDs, tank visuals, tank hydros, valves, and more.
Contact the shop for details.
Regulators: Annual and Bi-Annual Services Available
Inspection & Adjustment - 1st / 2nd Stage = $50.00
Inspection & Adjustment - 1st / 2nd / 2nd = $65.00
Full Service - 1st / 2nd = $125.00
Full Service - 1st / 2nd / 2nd = $150.00
Regulator Service 1st Stage Only = $65.00
Regulator Service 2nd Stage Only = $65.00
Express Service Fee (1 week) = $50.00 (in addition listed service fees above)
BCDs: Annual Services Available
BCD Service - clean, slosh, inflate = $25.00
BCD Service Deposit = $25.00
BCD i3 Service = $60.00
BCD service for 2nd Stage combo = $65.00
Tank/Cylinders: Annual and 5-year Services Available
Visual Inspection - Air (includes fill) = $25.00
Visual Inspection - Nitrox (includes fill) = $30.00
*Visual Inspections required annually
Hydrostatic Test - Air (includes visual and fill) = $55.00
Hydrostatic Test - Nitrox (includes visual and fill) = $60.00
**Hydrostatic testing required every 5 years
O2 Cleaning: $45.00
Tank valve: Repair or replacement = $15.00 starting price
Battery Change with pressure testing = $50.00 plus cost of battery
Computers: In-house or manufacturer service and repairs = Cost subject to need